The Marillion eWeb is a read-only mailing list of messages sent directly from the band, providing the most current news and information, direct from the source.
We aim to send around one eWeb per month to update you on the latest news, but will also send an eWeb to announce special events or exciting news. Our intent is to inform, not to fill your email box!
If you want to see what kind of emails we send, visit the main news page - we keep all previous eWebs online.
Subscribe / Unsubscribe to the eWeb
A Marillion Online Account allows you to manage your eWeb subscription directly.
If you already have a Marillion Online Account, simply log in on our home page using the MY ACCOUNT panel.Click on 'VIEW MY ACCOUNT' to change any of your eWeb settings.
Need More Help ?
If you are having problems with any aspect of the Marillion eWeb, or creating or locating your account, just send us an email at with your full name and postal address and we will do our best to help out!
Email Privacy
With so much spam on the internet these days, it's hard to tell where your details go.
So how do we handle subscription to the Marillion eWeb?
Simple. We ARE the Marillion eWeb!
We aren't controlled by a record company, we don't have a fancy marketing service that sends out announcements, and we're not going to offer you a great deal on Viagra!
When you subscribe to the eWeb, your email is added to a secure delivery list that we own - not anyone else. We use this list to send out our eWeb newsletter - and that's it!
We don't sell, lend, show, or in ANY WAY divulge the contents of our list to ANYONE but our own staff.
How's that for a privacy policy!