LYRICS - Throw Me Out

Hogarth | Kelly | Mosley | Rothery | Trewavas

In our house
Two�s a crowd
You threw me out
Of my own life
You seem want to be a friend

In our house
Two�s a crowd
No more trouble
No more strife
You seem to be at your wits end
I tore apart my oldest friend

How my heart jumped
And may head thumped
As this hard earth
Came up and bumped
As I was dumped

And you threw me out
And you threw me out

Stood at the boundary
Without a clue
Losing you..
Testing your patience
Every day
Opening drawers
Getting in the way

And making a mess
While you�re trying to clean
I guess that�s my function..
Know what I mean..

Throw me out
Don�t worry babe
I�m recyclable
I�ll biodegrade
I�ll biodegrade

I�m recyclable
I�m recyclable